Thursday, September 25, 2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014

New species discovered in the Greater Mekong region. a bird species found in Phnom Penh cambodia

A new type of bird that was found hiding in Phnom Penh is a kind of type 15 new species that scientists have described in a new report on the findings new types of animals and plants of the WWF which is called the Mekong mystery said.When they control the bird flu disease. The precise subsequent to the hairy bird song and the variety of the set new species O.Chaktomuk.

The WWF has released a new report coincide with World Environment Day to advertise about new findings on the animals and plants that are strange and beautiful. Squirrel where animals can fly tokke vetting new fish head for sex and Animals from the jar eyes that live in the cave is a species of animals 367 Scientists discovered in the Greater Mekong region in the range of 2012 - 2013.

Among the 15 species that have been presented in the report, Squirrel animals that can fly (Biswamoyo pterus laoensis) were found because they found a head in the market a sale of wildlife meat in cars. Hairy red mix different animal Squirrel This is also the first record for Southeast Asia as well.

Dr. Thomas Gray, president of wildlife conservation program of the WWF Greater Mekong, said : 'The discovery of these species indicates that the Greater Mekong is one of the areas rich and contains many biodiversity in the world. If we need to protect these new species to not lose because endangered species and maintain pay _khu to find species most interest other in the future, it is necessary for the government to focus its attention placed on conservation strategies and the development of economic green.
In Vietnam bat shape values ​​were first found in 2008 Island, but later when the researcher Those animals had found that it is a species that has never been known. Bat (Hipposiderros griffini) is known as the nose, it's odd that it domestic geopolitical position for the move.

Animals that are found in Vietnam, such as small fish, insects and anatomic transparentlogistical complexity. «Phallostethus cuulong» mutilation in the back of his mouth. It sex with the head and the head.

Among these new herpetology 21 recorded in the report hand Helen's Flying Frog (Rhacophorus helenae), which were found at a distance of about 100 km from Ho Chi Minh city. This big green frogs were from biologists to date by the lubricant between the end of the tree by hand and foot and filled with large nets of the comic, and it came down in the rain to come. Helen's Flying Frog is found in wild block bounded by agricultural land which proves an urgent demand for in lowland forest conservation.
Dr Gray said: 'tropical lowland forest of the sanctuary are the most threatened in the world, due to pressure from people such as deforestation and worn degraded. Frog species were found, and many other species have been under threat in the sanctuary, which has rapidly narrowed gradually said.

Animals that have a high type of the most recently discovered is keep the umbrella reference (Ptychozoon kaengkrachanense ) found in the preservation of national parks Monday west Thailand. Keep skin dealership shirt soldiers expand their abdominal skin and the skin between fingers its legs to help the lubricant itself from the wood of wood.
Dr. Gray added: «National Park Corner Monday in the forest area near the border With Myanmar and the region one of the forest area in Southeast Asia little studied. It is a heart for the restoration of wildlife resources rectified in Thailand and Myanmar, which is home to an important tiger on the universe. The discovery of new species, indicating the importance of effort conservation efforts of the WWF and partners in this great area.
In a cave in dealership, Dr. Peter jáger found species from the jar huntsman (Sinopoda scurion) a new type first on the global eye. Losing your eyes from this jar is emergency level because the live without sunlight.
MRC report secret special showings of 15 categories, the findings new science of plants 2 90 24 21 vertebra reptiles 28 mammal species, 3 and 1 head birds officially described as a new species In the years 2012 -2013 in the Greater Mekong region. This area stretches from Cambodia dealership Myanmar put Thailand, Vietnam and Yunnan province, China. Since 1997, new plant species and a total of 2,077 were found and color by science in the Greater Mekong region.
reference kohsantepheab thank for reading !good luck for you!!!

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Friday, May 23, 2014

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

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